Government of Dominica

Environmental Specialist



Terms of Reference

Environmental Specialist




An urgent and critical issue confronting Dominica is the recovery of its housing sector in the wake of Hurricane Maria which struck the island in September 2017. The hurricane devastated the country’s infrastructure, communities and households, along with the main productive sectors – agriculture and tourism. Prior to Hurricane Maria, it was already established that the country’s development was challenged by the vulnerability of its population and economy to natural disasters, which can impose large costs on the country’s fragile economy. The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica has embarked upon a broad range of housing recovery strategies aimed at increasing structural resilience in the housing sector and the built environment, thus reducing the vulnerability of citizens and the economy to natural disasters. 

Project Background 

The Commonwealth of Dominica has secured financing from the International Development Association (IDA) credit and a Crisis Response Window Grant for the Housing Recovery Project (HRP). The HRP is one of the projects in the GoCD’s National Home Repair and Reconstruction Programme portfolio. The HRP will contribute both to the recovery of housing for disaster-affected households and to improving the application of resilient building practices in the housing sector. The Project will finance support for housing recovery systems and capacity building, support for the reconstruction of houses, and project management and coordination. The project has a significant construction works component and other activities related to institutional strengthening and capacity building. It has been formulated in keeping with the GoCD’s National Housing Repair and Reconstruction Programme (NHRRP). The HRP is prepared as part of an overall development partner initiative to support medium- and long-term recovery in Dominica, and is part of a broader World Bank recovery portfolio comprised of two other operations: (i) an Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project; and (ii) an Additional Financing to the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project.  

A stand-alone Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be established under the Ministry of Housing and Lands (MoH) to be responsible for the timely implementation and execution of  the HRP program. The PIU will report directly to the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the MoH, and will liaise constantly with the technical divisions of the MoH and the Ministry of Planning (MoP) as well as the Housing Task Force (HTF), responsible for overseeing sector recovery. In the implementation of the Program, the Communications, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist and the PIU staff will have support from a team of international experts, who will form an Implementation Support Team (IST), housed in the Ministry of Finance. This IST will have expertise in areas of World Bank procurement, social/environmental safeguards and financial management, and will serve as a shared resource across all World Bank financed Projects in Dominica.  

An essential component of the Project is the establishment of up to seven (7) Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) throughout the country to serve as satellite offices of the Physical Planning Division of the Ministry of Planning and Economic (MoP) and MoH. These TACs will be the primary interface between the public/eligible beneficiaries/contractors and the implementing agencies. The PIU will oversee the operations at the TACs while the TACs support the PIU in the collection of the demographic information required for administering eligibility under the project, for undertaking technical assessments and carrying out development control functions. These Terms of Reference have been prepared to assist in the engagement of an EnvironmentalSpecialist for the PIU. He/She will be responsible for all aspects of strategic coordination with the Social and Environmental Management Specialist in the IST. 



The purpose of this consultancy is to provide environmental support to the PIU for the program's implementation to ensure compliance with the Bank’s Environmental Safeguards Policies and the environmental laws of Dominica, as described in the EA-EMF (Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Framework) prepared for the HRP. During the planning process, proposed subprojects or activities must be screened, scoped, and assessed, and contracting language prepared to include environmental management plans. In addition, some projects will be relatively complex or have potential negative impacts on sensitive habitats, thus requiring further assessment or feasibility studies (including Environmental Impact Assessments or EIAs) which must be scoped and coordinated with the Bank, with nearby communities and affected parties, with Line Ministry staff, and with NGOs. Once project activities begin, there is a need for periodic field supervision of contractors, reporting to other agencies and Ministries, and coordination with the Bank.    




The consultant is expected to implement, and report upon, the activities described in the EA-EMF. Specifically, the consultant will:

  • Assist with the screening and application of mitigation measures, contracting language, and environmental plans for individual subprojects;
  • Screen proposed projects for impacts on the health and quality of forests, rights and welfare of people, and changes in the management, protection, or utilization of natural forests; potential impacts to physical cultural resources; and impacts to natural or critical habitats;
  • Examine and evaluate all activities proposed by individual subprojects toassess the potential environmental risks or impacts, to determine mitigation measures needed, based on the EA-EMF, as well as any additional mitigation and compliance measures from local permit requirements;
  • Identify complex or sensitive projects that require additional feasibility studies or EIAs as described in the EA-EMF;
  • Assist in the preparation of Terms of Reference for studies, coordinating with selected contractors or staff to ensure the studies are carried out adequately, in conjunction with the World Bank environmental specialist;
  • Assist with contracting documentation to ensure that applicable mitigation measures are included, and assist contractors or line Ministry staff to ensure that mitigation plans are being carried out;
  • Conduct field appraisal and review of subproject specifications, setting and site conditions to ensure that environmental aspects are appropriately addressed in planning, contracting and environmental mitigation plans;
  • Conduct field supervision, monitoring and inspection of individual subprojects to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures required, World Bank policies, and Dominican law;
  • Development of compliance checklists and supervisory guides for field inspections;
  • Periodically report on ongoing works, planning efforts, compliance and other aspects requiring attention and assist the PIU in review and preparation of the environmental aspects of annual reports as necessary.


Minimum Required Qualifications and Experience


  • A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in natural sciences, engineering or related discipline
  • Demonstrated experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of environmental planning, compliance, inspections, reporting, and/or assessment.
  • Knowledge of World Bank Environmental Safeguards policies would be an asset.
  • Work experience in the Caribbean would be a plus, specifically in Dominica.


Required Skills:

  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, organization and time management skills;
  • Ability to work in teams within a collaborative mode;
  • Integrity and confidentiality;
  • Advanced computer (PC) skills, especially in Microsoft Office or related software;
  • Strong Analytical and Report Writing Skills;
  • Fluency in English Language with excellent written and oral communication and listening skills.


Reporting Arrangements

The Consultant will report directly to the Project Coordinator of the Housing Recovery Project/Project Implementation Unit, Ministry of Housing.

Terms of the Assignment/Contract Duration

The Consultancy is expected to be awarded for a period of duration of one year, and will be renewed subject to satisfactory performance reviews. The assignment is expected to commence in the July 2018 and is to be renewable annually as the HRP project continues through its project cycle. The Consultant shall be engaged on full time basis, eight hours a day, and five days a week. A six (6) month probation period will be included.


Expression of Interest

Interested applicants whose qualifications and experience are in line with the Terms of Reference are invited to submit their CV and a letter of motivation / application stating suitability for the position on or before Friday 15th June 2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and 3 professional references.


Fred Esprit

National Housing Coordinator,

Ministry of Housing, Lands and Water Resource Management

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